Piston Ring South Has Moved!
Piston Ring has moved to 1-125 Fennell Street as of Sept. 22, 2021!!
Take care of
Your Vehicle
Chances are your car is the second largest investment next to your home. Care for it properly and it will deliver the performance, lasting value, and enjoyment you need and expect.
Our Parts Stores are a great source for
all of your auto parts needs!
We hold a cross country warranty
that is recognized at all Auto Value
Service Centers in North America.




1 Family
Piston Ring has serviced the Automotive Aftermarket since 1953. We are a family owned and operated local company, now in our third generation. Piston Ring employs a team of knowledgeable parts professionals that focus on service and supply, and partners with industry leading manufacturers.
Why Trust in Us
Piston Ring is proud to be a member of the Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance, one of the largest auto parts distribution and marketing organizations in the world.
Under the North American Warranty program, parts submitted for warranty claims that were purchased at an affiliated auto parts store can be exchanged free of charge (some restrictions apply).
In the
Piston Ring is proud to support 100’s of local community and charity initiatives.